import av import torch import numpy as np import pickle import lz4framed def load_compressed_tensor(filename): retval = None with open(filename, mode='rb') as file: retval = torch.from_numpy(pickle.loads(lz4framed.decompress( return retval class VideoReader(object): """ Wrapper for PyAV Reads frames from a video file into numpy tensors. Example: file = VideoReader(filename) video_frames = file[start_frame:end_frame] If desired, a table-of-contents (ToC) file can be provided to speed up the loading/seeking time. """ def __init__(self, file, toc=None, format=None): if not hasattr(file, 'read'): file = str(file) self.file = file self.format = format self._container = None with, format=self.format) as container: stream = [s for s in container.streams if s.type == 'video'][0] self.bit_rate = stream.bit_rate # Build a toc if toc is None: packet_lengths = [] packet_ts = [] for packet in container.demux(stream): if == 'video': decoded = packet.decode() if len(decoded) > 0: packet_lengths.append(len(decoded)) packet_ts.append(decoded[0].pts) self._toc = { 'lengths': packet_lengths, 'ts': packet_ts, } else: self._toc = toc self._toc_cumsum = np.cumsum(self.toc['lengths']) self._len = self._toc_cumsum[-1] # PyAV always returns frames in color, and we make that # assumption in get_frame() later below, so 3 is hardcoded here: self._im_sz = stream.height, stream.width, 3 self._time_base = stream.time_base self.rate = stream.average_rate self._load_fresh_file() @staticmethod def _next_video_packet(container_iter): for packet in container_iter: if == 'video': decoded = packet.decode() if len(decoded) > 0: return decoded raise ValueError("Could not find any video packets.") def _load_fresh_file(self): if self._container is not None: self._container.close() if hasattr(self.file, 'seek'): self._container =, format=self.format) demux = self._container.demux(self._video_stream) self._current_packet = self._next_video_packet(demux) self._current_packet_no = 0 @property def _video_stream(self): return [s for s in self._container.streams if s.type == 'video'][0] def __len__(self): return self._len def __del__(self): if self._container is not None: self._container.close() def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, int): item = slice(item, item + 1) if item.start < 0 or item.start >= len(self): raise IndexError(f"start index ({item.start}) out of range") if item.stop < 0 or item.stop > len(self): raise IndexError(f"stop index ({item.stop}) out of range") return np.stack([self.get_frame(i) for i in range(item.start, item.stop)]) @property def frame_shape(self): return self._im_sz @property def toc(self): return self._toc def get_frame(self, j): # Find the packet this frame is in. packet_no = self._toc_cumsum.searchsorted(j, side='right') self._seek_packet(packet_no) # Find the location of the frame within the packet. if packet_no == 0: loc = j else: loc = j - self._toc_cumsum[packet_no - 1] frame = self._current_packet[loc] # av.VideoFrame return frame.to_ndarray(format='rgb24') def _seek_packet(self, packet_no): """Advance through the container generator until we get the packet we want. Store that packet in selfpp._current_packet.""" packet_ts = self.toc['ts'][packet_no] # Only seek when needed. if packet_no == self._current_packet_no: return elif (packet_no < self._current_packet_no or packet_no > self._current_packet_no + 1):, stream=self._video_stream) demux = self._container.demux(self._video_stream) self._current_packet = self._next_video_packet(demux) while self._current_packet[0].pts < packet_ts: self._current_packet = self._next_video_packet(demux) self._current_packet_no = packet_no